Actinonaias ligamentina (Lamarck, 1819)
Synonyms: Ortmanniana ligamentina
Distribution: This is a widely distributed species found throughout the Mississippi River drainage, with the exception of extreme southern and western reaches. This species also occurs in the St. Lawrence River drainage and tributaries of Lake Erie, Michigan, and Ontario. In Oklahoma, A. ligamentina is known from streams in the Red River system (Kiamichi River, LittleRiver, Mountain Fork River, Glover River) and Arkansas River system (Poteau River) in southeastern Oklahoma. Actinonaias ligamentina records from northeastern Oklahoma (Neosho River, Verdigris River, Illinois River) are likely misidentified specimens of Lampsilis rafinesqueana (Mather, 2007).
Life History and Ecology: Typically occurs in riffles, runs, and shallow pools with gravel and cobble substrate and moderate to strong current. Also be found in quieter areas with sand and mud bottoms. Where it occurs, A. ligamentina is often one of the most common and abundant species in a mussel bed. Long-term brooder that uses a conglutinate infection mode and typically infects and metamorphoses on centrarchid fishes as hosts. Equilibrium life history strategy.
Special Status: none
Shell Description: click here for shell description