Lampsilis rafinesqueana Frierson, 1927
Neosho Mucket
Synonyms: Actinonaias rafinesqueana
Distribution: Found in isolated watershed across Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, occurring in the Neosho, Verdigris, Elk, Spring, and Illinois rivers. In Oklahoma the species has been extirpated from all but the Illinois and possibly Spring rivers. Originally described from the Illinois River near Moodys, Oklahoma (Frierson, 1927).
Life History and Ecology: Occurs in riffle areas in medium sized rivers. Long-term brooder that uses a mantle lure to attract fish hosts including smallmouth bass and largemouth bass. Periodic life history strategy.
Special Status: US Federally Endangered
Shell Description: click here for shell description
Literature cited:
Frierson, 1927, Check List N. Amer. Naiades: 69, sp. 309.