Leaunio lienosus shell description:

 “Shell long elliptical or slightly obovate, generally solid and inflated, with a faint posterior ridge; beaks moderate, the sculpture not seen; surface with irregular growth lines, often more or less sulcate, varying from dirty tawny to black, often faintly rayed behind; left valve with two granularly roughened pseudocardinals and two curved laterals; right valve with one pseudocardinal, a feeble lamellar tooth above, and one lateral with a vestige of another below it in old shells; laterals granular; muscle scars small, well impressed; nacre white, salmon or flesh-colored, sometimes deep purple, slightly thicker in front.  The male is often nearly rounded or sub-biangular behind, the posterior end at or above the middle of the height; the female shell is considerably swollen at the posterior base, and its posterior end is more elevated than that of the male”(Simpson, 2014; Mather, 2007).