Obliquaria reflexa (Rafinesque, 1820)
Threehorn Wartyback
Distribution: This species occurs throughout most of the Mississippi River drainage from western Pennsylvania north into Michigan and Minnesota, and southwest to eastern Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. It is known from Lake Erie and its tributaries in Canada, and also occurs in the Mobile Bay drainage in the southeastern US. Widespread in eastern Oklahoma.
Life History and Ecology: Normally a large river species, but also occurs in medium sized rivers and reservoirs. Prefers moderately strong current and stable sediment. Short-term brooder that has a conglutinate that mimics benthic insects. Reportedly as host generalist that has been identified to naturally infect and metamorphose on Goldeye and Skipjack Herring (Barnhart and Baird 2000). Periodic life history strategy.
Special Status: none
Shell Description: click here for shell description