Potamilus leptodon (Rafinesque, 1820)


Synonyms: Leptodea leptodon

Distribution: Historically occurred throughout much of the Interior Mississippi River drainage and parts of the St. Lawrence River drainage. Now very rare and thought to be restricted to 14 streams of which three, the Meramec, Bourbeuse, and Gasconade Rivers in Missouri are likely the only viable populations. It historically occurred in the Kiamichi River and fresh dead shells have been found there in recent decades.

Life History and Ecology: Occurs in riffles with moderate to high gradients in creeks to large rivers. a variety of habitats from small streams with coarse gravel and strong current, to big rivers and reservoirs with slower current and sand substrate. Long-term brooder that is thought to specialize on freshwater drum as hosts. Opportunistic life history strategy.

Special Status: US Federally endangered

Shell Description: click here for shell description