Pyganodon grandis (Say, 1829)
Giant Floater
Synonyms: Anodonta grandis
Distribution: One of the most widely distributed and common species in the US and Canada. Occurs in the Mississippi, Great Lakes, and Hudson Bay drainages. Also occurs in the Gulf of Mexico drainages of Louisiana and Texas. Introduced to some areas via glochidia on stocked fish hosts, as P. grandis is reportedly a host generalist. Widespread in Oklahoma in both rivers, reservoirs, and ponds.
Life History and Ecology: Habitat generalist that is able to tolerate ponds, lakes, and rivers of various sizes. Usually found in soft or muddy substrates. Very tolerant of low oxygen. Inhabits rivers of all sizes and often does well in reservoirs. Long-term brooder that can use a wide variety of hosts. Opportunistic life history strategy.
Special Status: none
Shell Description: click here for shell description