Leaunio lienosus (Conrad, 1834)

Little Spectaclecase

Synonyms: Villosa lienosa

Distribution: Distributed throughout Eastern Gulf Coast rivers from the Suwannee River system in Florida to the Mobile Bay and Pearl Rivers, and in the Texas Gulf and Red River drainages. Occurs in the Mississippi River drainage as far north as Missouri, and in the Ohio and lower Wabash rivers including small streams in southern Ohio and West Virginia. In Oklahoma, occurs in the Blue, Boggy, Kiamichi, Little, Glover and Mountain Fork rivers.

Life History and Ecology: Typically occurs in shallow mud-bottomed creeks and small rivers, often in slow current. Long-term brooder. Uses a cryptic lure, but more research is needed to identify suitable fish host(s). Opportunistic history strategy. 

Special Status: none

Shell Description: click here for shell description